
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dear, Beautiful Friends!
I am so excited. The world around me is awakening to the splendor of this glorious Lord's day, and the air is filled with worship rising from every continent on earth. Immersed in this curtain of God's splendor, I am preparing to spend a week counseling at a camp near Missoula...Camp Utmost. I am thoroughly excited for this time and I am confident of the Lord's transforming powers! My heart's prayer is that His glory would rain down on all the precious girls and that I (along with all the other stuff) would be used by our Father to touch lives and change them forevermore.

These last two weeks of fighting (some of you know what I'm talking about) have been a remarkable journey. I can see they were all part of a grander plan preparing me to change other use the lessons God taught me the hard way so I can then teach others. I want thank all of you for your undying support and love for me in so many ways I cannot even begin to list them all here. I am so thankful we have each other!

Here are a few prayer requests for this week:
*Please pray that Christ would be seen in a whole new way by the campers
*Please pray for strength for myself and the ministry team as we will be faced with unexpected challenges
*Please pray for new relationships to be built
*Please pray that Christ's name would be magnified

Some praises:
*Praise the Lord for His undying devotion and patience in the lives of His children (especially me)
*Praise the Lord that He has given us all things to richly enjoy...this camp included
*Praise the Lord for each beautiful girl who is coming!
*Praise the Lord for a ministry team with hearts so incredibly fixed on God

I am not sure but it is possible I will not have any internet access for the next week. If that is the case, please just know that you are in my prayers. I will update you as soon as you I return (and possibly get the chance to e-mail with you sooner).

Love and Hugs To All,

1 comment:

*PixieDustKiss* said...

Please see the newest adventure in my life!!! - Jadelin