No, I am not a newspaper. I am a bruised, sun-burned, and incredibly transformed Hannah. In this past week, I have had an experience that altered my life forever after...counselling at Camp Utmost. Sure, there were plenty of times of excitement, fun, and adventure. Oh yes! Especially adventure.There was the time that I (and the three other beautiful girls I was driving to camp with) got stuck on a lone mountain range an hour of our way because we followed the car GPS too trustingly. We all braced ourselves and felt like we were going to get sick as we steered the Explorer along a cliff edge, quickly realizing that the Tom-Tom cannot be trusted as much as we had originally thought.
Of course I also had the opportunity of rafting down a raging river with a somewhat incapable elderly man for a guide. I learned to personally guide our raft and save five 11-year-olds from the rage of the rapids. I also learned how to swim in the midst of rapids when 18-year-old Ryan, who was in charge of the other raft, grabbed me and threw me into them to tease me. This was followed by the blessing of learning how to recover from the pre-stages of hypothermia as it was about 50 degrees and blustery when "my girls" pulled me back into the raft. Yeah, thanks a LOT, Ryan! =)
I am definitely a bit more of a boy than when I left for I now have the claim to rifflery fame! I...the "delicate and high-maintenance female"...actually shot a 22 rifle at silhouttes and knocked several of them down. And I am somewhat addicted to shooting now! For all of you who don't know, it is SO fun!
I won't waste many more words re-telling the "experiences" at Camp Utmost. Instead, please view the captions and photos below to see what other adventures I had!

But you know...through all the fun and through the challenge of caring for seven precious 11-year-old girls, there was yet something even more critical. That is...the lessons the Lord faithfully and gently taught me while there. He taught me the beauty of service...of doing that thing you want to do order to achieve the greatest joy of pleasing Him! He also taught me the beauty of fire and He taught me how absolutely great His plans are for me. During my time there, Jeremiah 29:11-14 became of great importance to me.
11"I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. 12"When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen. 13-14"When you come looking for me, you'll find me. I'll turn things around for you. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed."
The theme of Camp Utmost was that we are marvelous gems! Each girl IS a marvelous gem...and I am finally coming to the point that I am willing to see myself that way, too. I am willing to see myself the way the Lord sees me. It was only pride that was stopping me from humbling myself enough to admit that I am precious to the Lord. I am so grateful for God's amazing, amazing grace. I do not deserve to be prized by Him...but I am! And He knows exactly what He is doing.
The chapel speaker addressed what truly makes a gem a gem rather than a rock. There are three defining characteristics: a) a gem is durable b) a gem is beautiful c) a gem is rare. A gem is created only through incredible heat and pressure. As human gems, that heat and pressure is often not easy. But if you focus on the Lord instead of on your pressure you will be transformed into an incredible gem...a glittering diamond that has a unique purpose.
God told me that is what He is doing for me, and now my heart is so incredibly free! I am happy. I am a butterfly and I am ready to be a gem.
Thank you for all of your prayers while I was gone. It was truly a remarkable time. I love all of you very gems! And don't worry, boys can be gems, too. And to all the boys who follow this guys ARE gems!!! Thanks for being there, everyone.
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
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