I love all of you with all my heart! - Jadelin
When was the last time you saw someone attractive?
Um...let's see. I saw my mom about 10 minutes ago and she's beautiful! :)
Where's your phone right now?
Hmm...good question. Me tinks it's upstaiws but isn't sure.
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
Yes! I'm going to a music camp so that's where I'll be this weekend. Yay!
Has someone ever made you a promise and broken it?
Yes, that happens to me a lot. It's okay, though. I break promises, too...we all do. It's part of this world! But I know One who has never broken His promises to me!!! <3
Last movie/DVD watched?
Pride and Prejudice...surprised? hahaha
Does anything hurt on your body?
Yes...I have a fever today so I hurt all over. I think I'm getting better, though! :)
How are you?
Spiritually: Given incredible joy in the Savior. Emotionally: A little crazy but what's new. Physically: A little under the weather but coming up. Mentally: Very bright this morning. Overall: Doing really well!
Spiritually: Given incredible joy in the Savior. Emotionally: A little crazy but what's new. Physically: A little under the weather but coming up. Mentally: Very bright this morning. Overall: Doing really well!
Are you excited for next year?
Um...sure. Why not? :)
Is your room clean?
haha...are you kidding? When is my room EVER clean? :)
How many pillows do you sleep with?
Usually just one...more than that hurts my back. Unless it's allergy season...then two or three.
What are you doing?
Answering these questions and just taking a small break from all the music I am waist-deep in. lol.
What are you doing?
Answering these questions and just taking a small break from all the music I am waist-deep in. lol.
I bet you miss somebody right now.
Yes! I miss everyone I'm not with...which would be almost everybody. But, I know we're all in each other's hearts. <3<3<3
What are you planning on doing after this?
I'm going to go practice violin some more. :)
Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
Yes...The Doctor's Return.
Who did you push last?
I slapped someone who was hurting my best friend last night...so probably her! lol.
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Luke Gatley and my Dad...and then Paradox over the weekend.
Luke Gatley and my Dad...and then Paradox over the weekend.
Do you own any band T-Shirts?
lol no. I do have a Disney Land Princess shirt, though. Yeah, I actually AM 17 I just don't always act like it! haha
What does your hair look like right now?
I just got up and didn't really do anything except brush my hair. So it's in blonde waves past my shoulders and a little greasy...yeah. Sorry.
I just got up and didn't really do anything except brush my hair. So it's in blonde waves past my shoulders and a little greasy...yeah. Sorry.
Has anyone ever told you that you were their best friend?
Yes...let's see...about 10 people! Yay! :) I love having lots of best friends!
Yes...let's see...about 10 people! Yay! :) I love having lots of best friends!
Did you get hurt today?
Yes but that's okay.
When was the last time you felt upset?
Um...let's see. Probably 4 days ago when some people were saying really mean things about me. It was a really cool time, though, because God taught me the meaning of loving and forgiving and actually convicted one unbeliever through it. So after that, I asked Him to forgive me for being upset and it was all better. :)
What are you looking forward to?
Hmm...lots of things! :) I'm looking forward to seeing all of YOU again!!! And I'm also looking forward to going to college.
Do you currently want something?
I want to fall much deeper in love with Jesus and receive His peace in new ways.
I want to fall much deeper in love with Jesus and receive His peace in new ways.
What was the last thing you had to drink?
Some really healthy fruit juice. Yummy!
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?
My Daddy
Where are you?
In my basement
In my basement
Do you like to walk in the rain?
Usually, when I'm not dressed up. I also love just standing in the rain and letting it pour down healing. So, so beautiful!
Do you like looking up at the stars?
Yes! It reminds me of Psalm 8:3-4. "When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you take notice of him?" I also love looking at the moon at the same time as friends. :)
Yes! It reminds me of Psalm 8:3-4. "When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you take notice of him?" I also love looking at the moon at the same time as friends. :)
Do you think you are a nice person?
Not really.
Not really.
Do you like swimming?
I LOVE to swim!!!!!!!
I LOVE to swim!!!!!!!
Have you ever swam in the ocean?
Oh yes. I love Florida's coast the best.
Oh yes. I love Florida's coast the best.
Do you go to school?
In the school year, yes. Although, technically I don't "go". School comes to me! :) I am spoiled!
In the school year, yes. Although, technically I don't "go". School comes to me! :) I am spoiled!
Do you want to go to college?
Absolutely. My dream school is Hillsong in Australia. I want to go there SO bad!
What do you want to be?
A violinist, possibly a music therapist, and an EMT.
Do you want kids?
Lots and lots of them! :)
Do you like going to the beach?
I love it. It is an experience that cannot be captured in words.
Who is the last person you went to the mall with?
My beloved Paradox.
Have you ever had any x-rays?
I believe twice. Once when I strained all the muscles in my left arm and the other time when I tore the main ligament in my leg last year. X-Rays are really fun!
I believe twice. Once when I strained all the muscles in my left arm and the other time when I tore the main ligament in my leg last year. X-Rays are really fun!
Who do you hate right now?
Satan and the way He seeks to destroy all God's beautiful children!
Who is the last person you yelled at?
Eesh...I don't want to say. Okay...here goes. I yelled at my mom a couple of days because I thought she was siding with some people who were making fun of me. But she is so sweet and forgave me. I wish I never would have, but I learned a lot through that time! :)
Who was the last to cook you food?
Who was the last to cook you food?
Umumumum...Johny Carinos restaurant.
Are you in a complicated relationship?
Are you in a complicated relationship?
Several...I think complicated sortof defines relationships. :) I love complicated relationships, though. They are beautiful and full of lessons about the Lord's healing.
What did you do 2 nights ago?
I played at a wedding and then spent time with my beautiful Paradox and her family.
Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
Oh dear...meaning texting too? That's hard! Um...Christian House maybe? Evelyn Norman? Or maybe Paradox's mom? D I'm not really sure. :)
Does a hug make you feel better?
Usually...unless I'm crying really hard! But even e-mail hugs make me feel better. :)
How long ago did you hug someone?
Whoa...um...*thinking*. An hour ago probably.
How long ago did you hug someone?
Whoa...um...*thinking*. An hour ago probably.
Anything good happening tomorrow?
I'm working all day so I get to see my precious students. :) And I get to have my every-other day conversation with a friend. And I might get to see my brother. So lots of fun stuff!
Have you kissed more than ten people this year?
I'm sure I have, yes.
Do you have unlimited texting?
No I don't...but I pretend I do. :)
Will you keep your last name when you get married?
If I get married before the time I cut albums, then no. Otherwise, yes. :)
No I don't...but I pretend I do. :)
Will you keep your last name when you get married?
If I get married before the time I cut albums, then no. Otherwise, yes. :)
You have to get a piercing, what do you get?
I would like to get an upper piercing in my right ear.
Have you ever felt like someone of the opposite sex truly cared about you?
Yes. I have the most amazing guy friends in the world. :) I'm not saying they cared "for" me...although I have certainly FELT that way, too. But I know many who care "about" me. :)
Yes. I have the most amazing guy friends in the world. :) I'm not saying they cared "for" me...although I have certainly FELT that way, too. But I know many who care "about" me. :)
Who was the last friend you got into a big argument with?
I think probably Katie or Grace...but everyone made up. :) That is one thing I absolutely CANNOT stand...fighting. =P
Your phone is ringing. It's the person you fell hardest for, what do you say?
*pick up* "Oh my gosh! It's so beautiful to hear your voice. How are you doing?" lol.
*pick up* "Oh my gosh! It's so beautiful to hear your voice. How are you doing?" lol.
Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months?
Oh no! I don't want to get married until I'm at least 24 so it doesn't really make sense to date right now. I've actually tried that and all it causes is lots of pain for everyone involved. So now way! :)
Oh no! I don't want to get married until I'm at least 24 so it doesn't really make sense to date right now. I've actually tried that and all it causes is lots of pain for everyone involved. So now way! :)
Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up today?
I'm not really sure. I haven't checked my phone yet.
Do you want to see somebody right now?
Yes...the whole Norman family really, really bad!!! Luke. Grace. Jess. :)
Yes...the whole Norman family really, really bad!!! Luke. Grace. Jess. :)
Do you think two people can last forever?
In love on this earth? Absolutely! But I do not think romantic love lasts indefinitely forever because according to Mark 12:24 there is "no marriage or giving of marriage" in heaven.
In love on this earth? Absolutely! But I do not think romantic love lasts indefinitely forever because according to Mark 12:24 there is "no marriage or giving of marriage" in heaven.
When was the last time you had a light night phone call?
Hmm...I generally do late night computer chats. And I had one of those Saturday with Austin. But as far as phone calls, it was probably Evelyn about 3 weeks ago.
Hmm...I generally do late night computer chats. And I had one of those Saturday with Austin. But as far as phone calls, it was probably Evelyn about 3 weeks ago.
If you could move somewhere else, would you?
I don't think so! I love Bozeman. The only reason I would, would be to go to college. :) And I also think it would be so fun to live in Ireland but probably not forever. :)
Would you be able to date someone who doesn't make you laugh?
If he was gentle, kind, and incredibly caring with dark starry eyes I probably wouldn't be able to laugh. However, based on my track record I tend to fall for those who can make me laugh. So...I'm not sure. :)
Has anyone ever sung to you?
My amazing and beautiful mom sang to me every night when I was little. Thank you, Mummy! Also, my Daddy sang to me along with my brother and sister. And then lots of friends have sung to me. :) It's because people know music calms me down...which it does.
Has anyone ever sung to you?
My amazing and beautiful mom sang to me every night when I was little. Thank you, Mummy! Also, my Daddy sang to me along with my brother and sister. And then lots of friends have sung to me. :) It's because people know music calms me down...which it does.
Do you think you can love someone without trusting them?
Definitely. I have some people like that. I love them and long for them to be free, but I do not trust them because of the sin they are involved in. However, I don't think you can be in love with a person without trusting them. My heart breaks for people who try to do that! May Jesus heal all those relationships.
Is there someone who you can spend every minute with and be happy?
Well, I love being alone. I love Paradox, Evelyn, and Grace. But I think the only person I could ultimately be with every moment and be happy is the Lord.
Last person to make you smile?
Probably Newsboys, actually, in their worship song. :)
Have you ever wasted too much time on a certain boy?
Yes, I have. It was very wrong of me to allow someone to distract me from Jesus! I asked God to forgive me and I am really finding Matthew 6:33 to define my relationships with guys at this point in my life. "But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."
How was last night?
How was last night?
It was very happy. I threw a surprise party for my parents and invited our whole church. I also got to renew a very special friendship and so altogether it was an infinitely happy evening.
If you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean?
Sometimes, I get tired when I'm interacting with people and so I get really quiet. Also, sometimes when my heart is breaking inside I'm quiet.
Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Yes...last month. If it wouldn't have been for God and a few amazing people He gave me I know I would not be here today.
Yes...last month. If it wouldn't have been for God and a few amazing people He gave me I know I would not be here today.
Do you have trust issues?
On both sides. I sometimes trust people too easily and sometimes I don't trust people enough (because almost everyone is so precious and worthy of trust).
Was this a good weekend?
It was a lovely weekend. God really rained down and awakened me. It was also a weekend of healing in relationships. The Lord amazes me quite honestly.
Were you happy when you woke up today?
Were you happy when you woke up today?
I felt a little sick because of my fever but I was very joyous in my heart.
Thank you for reading these, everyone. You are all so dear! I pray you will be tremendously blessed. And if anyone would like to copy this onto their blog or an e-mail, feel free. :) Just like our amazing Paradox, I tag everyone!!!
Your honesty and humility are very encouraging; thanks for posting!
Thanks, Adam. You're very kind! :)
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