
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tag from Ellie!

I was tagged by Ellie!  Thanks, Ellie! 

#1. As far as books go, do you like historical fiction or fantasy best? In all honesty, I prefer science fiction above either of those, but if those are the choices... historical fiction. 

#2. What's your favorite color? Either a dark burgundy-red or black.  Depends on when you ask me. 

#3. Do you like the country, or do you like the city? Again, depends on when you ask... right now, the city. 

#4. What color is your tooth-brush? I have no idea.  I think it's purple and white, but I'm not sure. 

#5. Who do you think is the best character in "The Chronicles of Narnia" series? Oh boy... I would say Caspian but he's such a dolt sometimes.  So... I'll probably go with Ellie and say Edmund.  He's so representative of humanity; we betrayed Christ by sinning, but yet God still accepts us through Christ and makes us into something great. 

#6. Do you like Summer or Winter? Summer.  Always. 

#7. Do you like the library, or would you rather be shopping? Depends on when you ask me... but typically the library. 

#8. Do you have a friend who's first name starts with either, E, F, J, O, Q, U, W, X, Y, Z? Yep.  Obviously I have a friend whose name starts with E... and if a screen name counts, then I have a friend whose name starts with J. 

#9. Do you have a phobia of any sort? (you don't have to tell what it is) Nope. 

#10. Do you think these questions are random, or do you think they have a point? Well, they sort of have a point; all but three start with "Do you..."  At the same time, they're random, because they're not otherwise related.  So my answer to the question would be yes.  =D 

Now tag three (or more if you like) other people:  

...and whoever else wants to do it... 
(^ Yeah, I know, creative.  But give me a break... I'm working on a strangely convoluted "creative format" paper, which is sucking up all my creativity.  =P) 

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